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Open every Monday

during school terms

10 am to 11.30 am

including public holidays

and mid term breaks.

A non-profit Community organisation

run entirely by volunteers.

Joining the Toy Library

Membership Fee: £5.00 per year.

Two toys may be borrowed by a member at any one time.

Hire charges:

30p or 50p per toy (depending on size) for two weeks.

60p or £1 per toy (depending on size) for four weeks.


Membership Fee: £20.00 per year.

Charges as above, and up to 6 toys may be borrowed at any one time.

How to join:

Come along to one of our sessions, fill in a simple form and pay the Membership Fee. You will then be able to begin borrowing toys straight away.

Click on the links to the right  to see our Rules and our Membership Form in pdf format.

The rules were modified at the beginning of October 2016, and the new rules apply to all current and future members.

The modifications are:

(1) a clarification that it is not permitted to borrow toys unless you are yourself a member. Borrowing toys using a friend’s membership card is not permitted.

(2) a clearer statement of the fact that members borrow toys at their own risk, and are responsible for ensuring that children play with the toys in a safe and appropriate manner.


Membership Form